Welcome back to The Week in Weed, your essential reading for the latest marijuana news – no fooling!
- Only A Few Public Companies Really Focus On Developing Medical Marijuana: Here’s A List (Seeking Alpha, 30 March 2016)
The medical marijuana industry is relatively small in the United States, but is increasing rapidly. This article provides a list of investment opportunities in this market.
- Is Vermont about to “change the marijuana legalization game”? (Marijuana Law, Policy & Reform, 30 March 2016)
From our fellow blogger on all things related to law and marijuana, Douglas Berman, comes a summary of a Washington Post article on the move in the Vermont legislature to legalize cannabis; it would be the first legislature to do so – other legalization moves have come directly from voters. Berman gives a link to the Post article, as well as a link to a previous post of his own on the topic.
Businesses in Massachusetts Warn Against Marijuana Legalization (High Times, 30 March 2016)
Not everyone in Massachusetts is happy about the prospect of legalized medical marijuana. The Associated Industries of Massachusetts (AIM), the state’s largest employer group, conducted a study showing that many businesses have concerns about legal cannabis and the changes that might result in workplace laws.
Anything we missed that everyone needs to know? Share in the comments.