Welcome back to The Week in Weed, your source for news concerning legalized marijuana.

Maine voters will get the opportunity to legalize recreational marijuana come November, after supporters of the proposed ballot measure overcame a technicality that had thrown its future into doubt.

Douglas A. Berman has a fine summary (with links) to the New York Times‘ recent debate on whether or not marijuana is a “gateway” drug.  One of the issues often cited with the use of marijuana, whether medical or recreational, is the concern that using marijuana may lead to use of other, more dangerous drugs.  But is that true?

The Senate Appropriations Committee voted last week by 21 to 8 to approve an amendment offered by Senator Mikulski (D-MD) to protect state medical marijuana laws from federal interference by the Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration.

Normally, when a company based in one state wants to sell products in another state, it starts calling truckers. For Strainz, a Las Vegas marijuana company, it was more complicated.

Anything we missed that everyone needs to know?  Tell us in the comments.