Welcome back to The Week in Weed, your Friday look at what’s happening in the world of legalized marijuana.
- Sessions says he has ‘serious concerns’ about legal marijuana. Now states wonder what’s next
(Los Angeles Times: National News, 10 August 2017)
With thousands of jobs and billions of dollars at stake, it’s a burning question: Is Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions preparing to mess with voter-approved sales of recreational marijuana?
- State lawmakers group endorses descheduling of cannabis with eye on banking
(The Cannabist: The Cannabist, 9 August 2017)
An independent national organization that supports state legislatures has again voiced its support for federal descheduling of cannabis.
- Hawaii’s first medical cannabis dispensary open for business
(Marijuana Business Daily: News, 9 August 2017)
After 17 years of waiting, Hawaii dispensaries began selling medical marijuana Tuesday.
And, just in case you were wondering what the astrophysical view of marijuana legalization is:
- Neil deGrasse Tyson agrees with Carl Sagan: There’s “no reason” for weed to be illegal
(The Cannabist: The Cannabist, 9 August 2017)
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, among the most well-known living scientists, said that “there’s no reason for [marijuana] to ever have been made illegal.”
Something we missed that everyone needs to know? Give us a shout in the comments.