Welcome back to The Week in Weed, your Friday look at what’s happening in the world of legalized marijuana. This week, Pennsylvania’s governor talks about legalization. Ohio legislators propose restrictions on cannabis. A new study raises concerns about marijuana and memory loss. And finally, Bill Gates talks about smoking pot to look cool.
The Keystone State is one of only two in the Northeast that have not legalized marijuana for adult use. (Looking at you, New Hampshire.) Governor Josh Shapiro (D) would like to change that.
I know some are going to say it’s complicated, but it’s been talked about for years. And just in the last two years, Ohio legalized, Maryland legalized, and we keep falling further behind. Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA)
But some in the legislature have their doubts about this idea.
It’s a practicality issue more than a philosophical issue. Obviously, this state has not done well in rolling out medical marijuana. We’ve not demonstrated our ability to have the bureaucracy manage something of that magnitude. Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R)
How this will play out is anyone’s guess. But when a state finds itself surrounded by jurisdictions that have legalized, it’s a decent bet that they’ll find a way to make it work. New Hampshire not withstanding.
In 2023, Ohioans voted to legalize adult-use cannabis. In 2025, will the legislature impose restrictions? A bill supported by the House Speaker has been assigned to the Senate’s general government committee. The bill would restrict the number of plants that can be grown at home, prevent home growers from transferring any cannabis to anyone else, and raise cannabis taxes, among other provisions. A similar bill was unsuccessful in the 2024 session, but this legislation has been described as being on a “fast track.”
A study conducted at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz School of Medicine may provide some scientific evidence to support the stereotype of “stoner brain.” The study shows a connection between frequent cannabis use and loss of working memory. Note that a connection is not cause and effect, and the study was based on raw data collected between 2012 and 2015, from a relatively homogeneous group of participants. More study is clearly needed in order to determine what other factors may be at play in the memory loss.
Even the rich and famous were nerdy teenagers once. Bill Gates, Microsoft co-founder, says he tried smoking marijuana in his youth, hoping that girls would be impressed. “It didn’t work out – but I tried.”
Be well everyone – we’ll see you next week!