Welcome back to The Week in Weed, your Friday look at the world of legalized marijuana.
- Nebraska and Oklahoma, Locked Out of High Court, Forge New Path in Fighting Colorado’s Marijuana Law
(law.com, 29 June 2016) (Note: registration is required)
Nebraska and Oklahoma may not have had their day in (Supreme) Court, but they are undeterred in their fight against Colorado’s legalization of recreational marijuana.
- Add PTSD to Medical Cannabis List, Judge Tells Illinois
(Marijuana Business Daily: News, 29 June 2016)
A judge in Illinois’ Cook County ordered the state’s medical marijuana program to add post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of qualifying conditions for MMJ within 30 days.
- California To Vote On Legalizing Recreational Marijuana
(NPR: Business, 29 June 2016)
An initiative has officially obtained enough signatures to be placed on November’s ballot. It would allow adults to possess up to an ounce of marijuana and grow up to six plants for recreational use.
- Driver accused of driving high…crashes car into pot shop
(The Cannabist: The Cannabist, 29 June 2016)
Authorities say they have arrested a man on suspicion of driving while high on pot after he crashed into a Happy Valley marijuana dispensary.
That last item was more for fun than real news value, but it’s Friday, it’s a long weekend, and how could we resist?
Anything we missed? Let us know in the comments.