Welcome back to The Week in Weed, your Friday look at what’s happening in the world of legalized marijuana.
- Illinois spent $2.9 million on medical marijuana products in July
(Chicago Tribune: Latest news, 3 August 2016)
Illinois patients legally purchased $2.9 million worth of medical marijuana products in July. State officials with the medical cannabis pilot program released the figures Wednesday. June sales had been $2.57 million.
- Could Ohio Solve the Cannabis Industry’s Cash-Only Problem?
(Marijuana Business Daily: News, 3 August 2016)
Could Ohio wean the marijuana industry from its need to do business in cash? Ohio’s new medical marijuana law proposes a “closed-loop” payment processing system.
- DEA: Decision on marijuana rescheduling in ‘final stages’
(The Cannabist: The Cannabist, 2 August 2016)
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is still considering whether to reschedule marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act, an agency spokesman said Tuesday.
And finally, because nothing says “all-American summer tradition” like a state fair,
- Cannabis to be Displayed and Judged at Oregon State Fair
(Marijuana Business Daily: News, 2 August 2016)
In what might be a cannabis marketing first, marijuana plants will be displayed and judged at the Oregon State Fair – just like pumpkins, pigs and onions.
Something we missed? Let us know in the comments.