Welcome back to The Weed in Weed, your Friday look at what’s happening in the world of legalized marijuana.
In what’s become a regular feature, we have more politicians who are coming out in favor of legalized marijuana, or at least, backing away from their previous opposition.
- Kamala Harris backs Booker bill to legalize marijuana
(The Hill: Regulation, 10 May 2018)
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), a potential 2020 White House contender, is joining Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), who is also speculated to be a possible presidential candidate, in the fight to legalize marijuana under federal law.
Mayor and Some Prosecutors Move to Curb Marijuana Arrests
(New York Times, 15 May 2018)
After years of halting steps, top prosecutors and elected officials in New York City on Tuesday made a sudden dash toward ending many of the marijuana arrests that for decades have entangled mostly black and Hispanic people.
More states are putting marijuana on the ballot. Ohio is making a move in that direction.
- Ohio recreational cannabis ballot initiative clears key hurdle
(Marijuana Business Daily: News, 11 May 2018)
A proposed constitutional amendment to legalize adult-use marijuana in Ohio has cleared an initial hurdle after winning approval from the state’s top attorney.
Ohio recreational marijuana measure certified by Attorney General Mike DeWine
(Cleveland.com, 11 May 2018)
A proposed constitutional amendment to legalize recreational marijuana in Ohio completed the first step Thursday in qualifying the measure for a statewide ballot.
So what do you do when marijuana prices tumble? Start growing hemp.
- Marijuana growers diversify with hemp amid CBD boom
(SF Gate: Top Stories, 14 May 2018)
SPRINGFIELD, Ore. (AP) — A glut of legal marijuana has driven Oregon pot prices to rock-bottom levels, prompting some nervous growers to start pivoting to another type of cannabis to make ends meet — one that doesn’t come with a high.