Welcome back to The Week in Weed, your Friday look at what’s happening in the world of legalized marijuana.
In what may become another continuing feature, another “red” state appears poised to being the marijuana legalization process. Member of the Nebraska legislature are looking to put medical cannabis on the 2020 ballot.
Meanwhile, if there were an award for best name of a marijuana store, the Gas N’ Grass in Portland, ME would win, hands down.
The fact that Michigan has legalized cannabis, but not the sale of cannabis is not problem for one entrepreneur, who has embraced a “gifting” model.
Although New Jersey is on our “states to watch” list, adult use legalization is not going to happen this year. We’ll see what 2019 brings.
We reported last week that Minnesota was considering marijuana legalization. For more info and some great analysis, see this blog post from the Minneapolis Criminal Law News.
Andrew Cuomo has appeared before in our “politicians coming around on marijuana” segment. He’s now fully in support of full legalization.
In international news, New Zealand will have a binding referendum on cannabis legalization in 2020. We promise to follow this news and report back in a future Week in Weed.
Sometimes it seems as if everyone is in favor of legal cannabis. This is not true. Take New Hampshire’s governor.
See you next Friday!